41 W. College Avenue, Westerville, Ohio 43081
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we are dedicated to providing a family
ministry that encourages each adult, youth and child to share God's love, nurture
individual growth, share our faith and serve the needs of others.
We celebrate what God's spirit is doing in the world with us, among us, and
through us. We are dedicated to...
Share our faith and spread God’s word while developing friendships in faith.
Provide opportunities for service to enrich our relationship with Jesus Christ by following His guidance.
Encourage our community of faith to share God’s love through learning and faithful worship.
Connect people to Jesus Christ and to each other.
Inspire all individuals to realize that everyone is a gift shared with our faith community by our gracious God.
Address the needs of members to meet their spiritual, social, emotional, recreational, educational and physical needs.
Love God, love each other and love our neighbor as ourselves.
We provide SPECIAL opportunities:
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