41 W. College Avenue, Westerville, Ohio 43081
The annual tour of our special town is on! Plan to visit iconic businesses, public buildings, and private homes on Sunday, July 28, from 1 - 5 pm. Your $20 ticket includes a souvenir booklet of information with photos and a map for the self-guided tour.
Tickets are available at church on Sundays, July 7 through July 28, paid for with cash or a check made out to Westerville Habitat Partnership.
You can also purchase tickets from our web site: westervillehabitatpartnership.org using your credit card. You will pick up these tickets the day of the tour at City Hall, starting at 12:45. Or scan the QR code to the right:.
This year’s sites include Grace Lutheran Church, W.A.R.M., Good Vibes Winery, the Local History Museum at the Library, Blend Candle Company, High Bank Distillery, Howard House and Cowan Hall on Otterbein’s campus, Longfellow School, and a mid-century modern residence.
Every penny of ticket sales will go toward home-building projects of our local Habitat for Humanity Partnership. Our church is a longtime member of the Partnership, along with four other local congregations and Columbus Academy. Learn our town’s unique history! Support a great cause! And even get some exercise (although you may want to drive part of it)!
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