Rev. Nancy Dumford


from Rev. Nancy Dumford

Special Events

Friday 20 Dec.

Longest Night Service

Friday Dec. 20, 6 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.

The Christmas season is often marked by expressions of joy, excitement, and happiness. It's a time for family to gather and for churches to worship pointing to the hope that is found in the coming of the Christ child.

However, this time of joy and expectation can also be a difficult time for some of us. In a time dominated by family celebration the loss or anticipated loss of a loved one is only brought into stark relief. Others suffer from depression at this time of year due to the decline of daylight and the increasingly longer nights -- a condition known as Seasonal Affect Disorder or SAD.

The longest night of the year is December 20-21st which is also the traditional feast day for Saint Thomas the Apostle. Thomas's struggle to believe in Jesus' resurrection resonates with the long, dark nights just before Christmas and the struggle with darkness and grief faced by some at this time of year.

To help those who find December to be a difficult time of year, we will celebrate a Longest Night Service on Friday, December 20th. This service will last about 30 minutes and will focus on the message of hope, healing and wholeness that Christ brings into the world.

Rev. Mary Jane Hitt and Rev. Nancy Dumford will lead this service.

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