Rev. Nancy Dumford


from Rev. Nancy Dumford

Special Events

Westerville Area Resource Ministry WARM

Funds received from the local 25% portion of the Peacemaking Offering (October) and the “Thanksgiving Basket” program are the two primary efforts related to the church’s financial support of WARM.

The “Thanksgiving Basket” program includes contributions of food items (the equivalent of some 14-15 complete baskets in 2014) and cash/gift certificates.

An equally important contribution from the church involves a number of FPC members who regularly volunteer their time and talents at the WARM facility.

Lastly, the congregation was especially generous in remembering WARM in 2014, as witnessed by numerous additional financial contributions made by year’s end to this important community program.

Looking for a crutch or a cane? Visit our Mobility Assistance Program page to learn how you can borrow these and other medical equipment from us! Open to our community!

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