41 W. College Avenue, Westerville, Ohio 43081
For adults we offer a wide variety of thought-provoking educational programs centered on what it means to be a Christian in today’s world. These include both Sunday morning classes and opportunities through the week for study and reflection. Social activities, from dinner groups, to movie nights, to canoe outings and more, provide an opportunity for fellowship in a busy world.
For youth, we provide a solid setting for spiritual growth and social interaction, both with each other and within the community and world. Group activities, including mission and work trips, social outings and participation in worship give young people a chance to grow in, and contribute to, the life of the church.
For children, we provide a number of fun and meaningful ways to learn about Jesus and to grow in faith. From Club 45 –- a social group for grades 3-5 -- to summer Bible School, to special activities for all children year round, First Presbyterian offers our growing number of children a special place for fellowship.
Our music ministry gives both adults and children an opportunity to express God’s promise through bells and song. We extend our love of music to the community through a continuing concert series held in our sanctuary.
For those who struggle, we lend our time, talents and resources to organizations like the Westerville Area Resource Ministry, Habitat for Humanity, Pike County Food Pantry, Residential Options, Westerville Caring and Sharing, and Manna Café Soup Kitchen. We welcome any and all who want to join us in these ministries to make a difference in our troubled world.
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