Rev. Nancy Dumford


from Rev. Nancy Dumford

Special Events

Backpack Bounty

Backpack Bounty

Backpack Bounty is one of our mission projects which provides weekend meals to families with school-age children who receive free or reduced -price meals at Huber Ridge Elementary. Each backpack contains nutritionally balanced meals sufficient to feed four people two complete meals on weekend days. This program is offered through the entire school year.

The large green bags to collect the cans and boxes are located under the stairs at the south entrance. There are also boxes at the front entrance for donations.

Among the items always needed are graham crackers, saltines, and cans of fruit, tuna, and chicken. Lists of needed items will be available in the Signups Binder in the Gathering Place. Also you can click here for a link to Backpack Bounty weekly menus.

Looking for a crutch or a cane? Visit our Mobility Assistance Program page to learn how you can borrow these and other medical equipment from us! Open to our community!

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